SpaceNet Downloads
The following versions of SpaceNet are currently available for public download:
SpaceNet 2.5r2 (Java) Executable, Maintenance Release 1457 - v2.5r1457 (.zip, 9.15 MB)
This maintenance release of SpaceNet 2.5r2 provides the following updates:
- Updates XStream library to 1.4.3 to resolve a compatibility issue when using the Java 7 JRE.
The source code is also available here: v2.5r1457 (.zip, 8.79 MB)
SpaceNet 2.5r2 (Java) Executable, Maintenance Release 1455 - v2.5r1455 (.zip, 9.08 MB)
This maintenance release of SpaceNet 2.5r2 provides the following updates:
- Saves resources in element editor without forcing "enter" key.
- Changes default behavior to not consume existing resources during the demands analysis.
- Updates demands analysis visualization to include raw capacity option (max cargo mass of all carriers on edge).
- Slight modificiation of layout of space transport dialog.
- Reduced memory requirements during simulation when using custom element icons.
- Corrected time slider time steps in simulation visualization.
- Display elements on transport curve rather than at midpoint between nodes.
- Various other bugs and user interface fixes.
The source code is also available here: v2.5r1455 (.zip, 8.74 MB)
SpaceNet 2.5r2 (Java) Executable, Maintenance Release 1420 - v2.5.1420 (.zip, 8.89 MB)
This maintenance release of SpaceNet 2.5r2 provides the following updates:
- Support for resource transfer between vehicles
- Several aesthetic improvements for dialog boxes
- Fixed bug with surface transport dialog if previous event did not end at a surface node
- Fixed bug in determining resource tank mass if resource is undefined
- Required definition of OMS/RCS resource type for propulsive vehicles in dialog
- Fixed bug where file input reader and file output writer were not correctly closed
The source code is also available here: v2.5.1420 (.zip, 10.19 MB)
SpaceNet 2.5r2 (Java) Executable - v2.5.1410 (.zip, 8.89 MB)
SpaceNet 2.5r2 is an updated version (second release) of SpaceNet 2.5. Although it is still considered "research-grade" code, it includes the following major additions:
- Customizable network visualization on network tab
- Demand export option for use in matrix-based manifest optimization
- Faster and more responsive interface throughout
- Native database editor, including the ability to connect to the online database
- Improved visualization customization, including data "interpolation" between discrete events and individual point display
- Completely revised look-and-feel for better cross-platform compatibility
SpaceNet 2.5r2 is released under a GNU General Public License (GPL). As such, the source code is also available here: v2.5.1410 Source (.zip, 11.87 MB)
To run SpaceNet 2.5r2, follow these steps:
- Download the compressed file
- Unzip the downloaded file to create the folder spacenet_2-5.1410_jar
- Double-click on the file "spacenet_2-5r2.jar" to launch the application.
SpaceNet 2.5 (Java) Executable - v2.5.1075 (.zip, 7.83 MB)
SpaceNet 2.5 is an updated version of SpaceNet migrated to a Java environment. It should be considered is research-grade code. As such, it has not received exhaustive testing during development. Though every available effort has been expended to eliminate bugs, there is a good chance that residual errors will inevitably occur.
Please make full use of the user community, as only limited support will be available from the developers. A SpaceNet community has been established hosted by Google groups.
SpaceNet 2.5 is released under a GNU General Public License (GPL). As such, the source code is also available here: v2.5.1075 Source (.zip, 7.5 MB)
To run SpaceNet 2.5, follow these steps:
- Download the compressed file
- Unzip the downloaded file to create the folder spacenet_2-5.1075_jar
- Double-click on the file "spacenet_2-5.jar" to launch the application.
SpaceNet 1.3 (MATLAB) - v1.3 (.zip, 17.91 MB)
SpaceNet 1.3 is the first publicly available distribution. It runs within MATLAB, which must be installed on your system to work properly, and uses Excel spreadsheets to store numerical models and data. Also, the publicly-available distribution does not include the optimization module, so if you attempt to use it, the program will error out.
To run SpaceNet 1.3, follow these steps:
- Download the compressed file
- Upzip the downloaded file to create the folder spacenet_1-3
- Launch MATLAB and change your working directory to:
- Run the MATLAB command:
Additional documentation, including the User Guide and Quick Start Tutorial, is available within the spacenet_1-3/docs directory.